Caught On Video: Snake pulled out of Tucson woman's toilet

Lesson Summary:

In this lesson, students delve into the topic of wildlife encounters through an authentic news video and engaging activities. The central video presents a case where a woman discovers a snake in her toilet. Vocabulary exercises aid in understanding key terms, while the video's details are assessed through true/false questions and a multiple-choice section.

Thought-provoking discussion prompts encourage opinions on related issues such as handling fear and coexisting with wildlife. In the interactive role-play activity, pairs of students enact discovering a snake in a school toilet. This simulation prompts students to express their perspectives on unexpected scenarios and diverse approaches to resolution, fostering communication skills.

The lesson concludes with an independent writing task. Students write an opinion piece titled "Fear Factor – The Scariest Wild Animal," articulating their fears, reasons for their choice, and supporting details. Through varied exercises, discussions, and creative activities, this lesson empowers students to confidently explore and communicate their thoughts on fear, wildlife, and decision-making.
